Tagged: E-mail


NRW Köln – Can I work as Assistenzarzt, if I have Berufserlaubnis?

(This post can not be used as any proof. It is provided here just for information purpose.) Email sent by me   Hallo ******* ******** Vielen Dank. Ich habe alle erforderlichen Informationen über Approbation für Nicht-EU-Antragsteller gelesen. Ich habe einige...


NRW Köln – process requirements and info email sent by Bezirksregierung Köln

(This post can not be used as any proof. It is provided here just for information purpose.) Email sent by me Hallo, 2013 habe ich meinen Doktortitel in Allgemeinmedizin und Chirurgie am Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Medical College in Ahmedabad,Gujarat,Indien erhalten. Am...