TV Series that I would recommend

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Articulations of my ardent thoughts
by Tejas Ghetia · Published · Updated
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Tejas Ghetia
Tejas Ghetia is a doctor by trade and a writer by heart. An introvert atheist. Having virtues of silence and observance. Enjoying each day with his full consciousness. Befriended with books and movies.Liberating himself with his adventures of literary and philosophical type! Captivated by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Osho, Kahlil Gibran, Richard Dawkins, Kafka, JKR etc.
Tejas Ghetia is a doctor by trade and a writer by heart. An introvert agnostic. Having virtues of silence and observance. Enjoying each day with his full consciousness. Befriended with books and movies.Liberating himself with his adventures of literary and philosophical type! Captivated by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Osho, Khalil Gibran, Richard Dawkins, Kafka, JKR etc.
Tejas Ghetia is a doctor by trade and a writer by heart. An introvert agnostic. Having virtues of silence and observance. Enjoying each day with his full consciousness. Befriended with books and movies.Liberating himself with his adventures of literary and philosophical type! Captivated by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Osho, Khalil Gibran, Richard Dawkins, Kafka, JKR etc.
I recommend you to watch grey’s anatomy. Do read stories by Rabindranath Tagore.
I have watched 5 Seasons of Grey’s anatomy this year and then stopped because stories felt with same basic idea in 5th one. But I really enjoyed first 4 seasons. Needs to be updated here.
My brother and I use this. Try it.