Salary structure for Doctors in Germany 2019 – 2020 – 2021

Salary structure for Doctors in Germany 2019 – 2020 – 2021

Medical Post Graduation In Germany / Your2ndHeart

Official websites to find out current Salary Structure Tarifverträge | Marburger Bund…

Brutto Netto Rechner


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Tejas Ghetia

Tejas Ghetia is a doctor by trade and a writer by heart. An introvert atheist. Having virtues of silence and observance. Enjoying each day with his full consciousness. Befriended with books and movies.Liberating himself with his adventures of literary and philosophical type! Captivated by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Osho, Kahlil Gibran, Richard Dawkins, Kafka, JKR etc.

7 Responses

  1. Vikss Sandilya says:

    Hi. That was pretty informative. Does this apply to Dentists as well?

  2. Vicky says:

    Hello it’s nice I’m a foreign medical graduate I completed my mbbs from China I didn’t clear my mci exam can I come to Germany for pg without mci

    • If you do not have a registration of any country, then you are not allowed to work in Germany. You must have a registration of one country and you must be allowed to work there.

  3. Felipe Dalvi-Garcia says:

    Dear Dr. Ghetia, first of all, thanks for your willingness to share your experiences. Some issues that I’ve tried to find a clear answer through the internet, but have miserably failed is about medical private practices in Germany. The salaries you’ve talked about in this post are paid for the government, aren’t they? Is it possible for a foreign doctor trained in Germany (with the Approbation) to run a private practice? Is it common? At least in my country, Brazil, we’re able to work in different places as doctors, and have a private office. Thanks for your attention!

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