Education to become a specialist in Germany (Weiterbildung zur Fachärztin / zum Facharzt)
Doctors can continue their education to become a specialist in Germany after completing undergraduate Studies. For this purpose, they work as assistant doctors (Assistenzärztin/-Arzt) in a university clinic or in an approved medical care facility (includes the clinics of practicing doctors too). In the course of specialist training, assistant doctors are instructed by an experienced and specialized physician/doctor/specialist, who is authorized to do so by the medical association.
The Federal Employment Agency currently distinguishes between 43 different specialist qualifications in its database BERUFENET (see box below); Specialist training takes five to six years. The further education as a specialist concludes with an examination before the respective state medical chamber.
Further information on the education and training of doctors in Germany
■ The BERUFENET of the Federal Agency for Work informs on the qualification, the search term “Ärztin” or “Arzt”
■ The German Medical Association informs on, in the portal for physicians and there in the category “Ausbildung”.
Information about the time, knowledge, experience and skills required for different specializations
Weiterbildungsordnung für Ärztinnen und Ärzte in Hessen
■ The Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) also provides information on the training and employment of doctors in Germany, at On the “Themen von A–Z // A-Z topics” homepage, select letter “A”, then select “Ärzte” and/or “Ärztliche Ausbildung”.
— taken and translated from Humanmedizin in Deutschland: Ausbildung und Berufstätigkeit; ”Anerkennung und Berufszugang für Ärzte und Fachärzte mit ausländischen Qualifikationen in Deutschland” by Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF)
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