Doctor training (MBBS / medical under-graduation) in Germany
The study of human medicine is uniformly regulated throughout Germany by the Approbation (licensing) regulations for physicians – abbreviated ÄAppO (Approbationsordnung für Ärztinnen und Ärzte). The universities in Germany, which carry out a medical study, have created on this basis study regulations. As a rule, medical studies last six years and three months. Those who have passed through successfully, acquire the title of „Ärztin“ or „Arzt“ and can apply for Approbation (a medical license).
(In the European Union, the title of doctor refers primarily to holders of post-graduate research doctorates, such as the PhD.) Doctors who also want to acquire a doctoral degree (the title of Doctor (Dr.) / Ph.D.) must also to write a doctoral thesis (doctorate / promovieren ).
The training as a doctor takes place as a university degree (im Rahmen eines Hochschulstudiums). On the one hand, scientific fundamentals in areas of biology, chemistry, and physics are acquired. On the other hand, theoretical and practical medical knowledge is taught, for example about diseases, diagnostic and treatment options. Finally, medical students learn how to treat patients and how to coordinate treatment. A degree is divided into different sections:
■ In the first four semesters (two years), students complete the Preclinical Study program, which teaches natural sciences for physicians (das Naturwissenschaften für Mediziner) as well as basic subjects such as anatomy, medical terminology, introduction to clinical medicine, physiology or psychology. Also a ‘first aid training’ belongs to this study section. A medical examination (Eine ärztliche Vorprüfung / 1. Abschnitt der Ärztlichen Prüfung), called Physikum, completes the “Vorklinik”.
■ This is followed by the fifth to tenth semesters of clinical studies. Here, basic subjects are deepened and knowledge is acquired in various fields such as neurology, pathology, epidemiology, anesthesiology or surgery. In addition, students learn about the history of medicine, hygiene and microbiology or virology, as well as medical informatics. In this second stage of the study, practical experience in a hospital, doctor’s office and/or outpatient care must be gained over a total period of four months, this is referred to as a ” Famulatur”.
■ The last year of study is a year in which medical practitioners spend time at university clinics or teaching hospitals. (Internships)
■ A state examination exam concludes medical studies (2. and 3. Abschnitt der Ärztlichen Prüfung).
— taken and translated from ”Arztausbildung in Deutschland”; Humanmedizin in Deutschland: Ausbildung und Berufstätigkeit; ”Anerkennung und Berufszugang für Ärzte und Fachärzte mit ausländischen Qualifikationen in Deutschland” by Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF)
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