Official contacts to get advice on recognition of foreign medical qualifications in Germany

Advice on recognition of foreign medical qualifications in Germany

There are many places that have the topic of “professional recognition of foreign qualifications” in their portfolio of counseling services, to show recognition and support to foreigners. Listed below are the most important professional contact places or persons who can advise you particularly about ‘recognition of foreign qualifications’, because they are officially responsible or because they are specialized for that.

(Here ”Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge” has given many contacts. If you want recognition of foreign medical qualifications in Germany, I would recommend you to contact Approbationsbehörden or registration authorities. Click here for their contact list. You can also take help of the following official authorities, who have the knowledgeable people to help foreign degree holders.

If you sign anything in Germany, even with these authorities or anywhere else; think and understand what you are signing. As contracts, that are already signed, need to be followed by both parties and can be cancelled only with specific terms.

You have to communicate with these authorities in German, as it is the official language, except for some authorities, which also offer help in foreign languages and it is mentioned specifically by ”Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge” in following contacts.

Here ‘physician’ term is used for the doctors who have completed their undergraduate studies and ‘specialist’ term is used for the doctors who have completed their post-graduation. I have not tried to change the term.)

It can be assumed that, in addition to the following counseling services, there are other services that offer recognition counseling for adult immigrants. Therefore, this list of advice centers does not claim to be complete.


Auslandsdienst der Bundesärztekammer
(Foreign Service of the German Medical Association)

Target group:- Doctors and Specialists from EU countries, EEA countries, Switzerland and for nationals of all other states, so-called third countries.

The foreign service of the German Medical Association provides assistance with questions concerning the registration and admission to the medical profession in Germany or directs people seeking advice from the competent authorities. The International Service also assists in verifying the authenticity and legality of submitted specialist medical certificates by mediating between competent authorities in Germany and in the country of origin. Due to the great demand, the consulting work for doctors was intensified in 2009.

Contact Auslandsdienst Bundesärztekammer,
Herbert-Lewin-Platz, 10623 Berlin, Telephone: 030/400 45 63 61, Mail:,, portal ‘Ärzte’, category “Internationales”



(Regional medical associations)

Target group:- Physicians and specialists from EU countries, EEA countries, Switzerland and third countries.

Regional medical associations are responsible, among other things, for continuing vocational training and thus also for the recognition of foreign specialist qualifications. In this context, the chambers offer information and advice. Furthermore, they are available to physicians who are members for personal and written advice on professional matters.

All addresses of the “Landesärztekammern” can be found at, section Landesärztekammern;


Gesundheitsministerien der Länder

(Ministries of Health of the countries)

Target group:- Doctors from EU countries, EEA countries, Switzerland and third countries.

The Ministries of Health of the Länder or their subordinate authorities or the corresponding Landesprüfungsamt are responsible for the granting of a license to practice or a professional permit and also advise in this context.

An overview of these so-called “zuständigen Stellen” for doctors in Germany is provided by the database “Anabin” at  

(I couldn’t find any information on this website about ‘Gesundheitsministerien der Länder’)



Target group:- Physicians and specialists from EU countries, EEA countries, Switzerland and third countries.

The Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB – Die Zentralstelle für ausländisches Bildungswesen ) in the Secretariat of the Conference of Ministers of Education (Sekretariat der Kultusministerkonferenz) provides the database “anabin” on the Internet. Although this does not offer any advice, it provides detailed background information on the evaluation of foreign educational qualifications in Germany in addition to the contacts to the responsible recognition offices. The database documents the education systems of about 180 countries and provides information on higher education institutions and degrees. On the basis of anabin, applicants can make their own initial assessment of the value of their training with regard to the German education system.


 Nationale Kontaktstelle zur Anerkennung von Berufsqualifikationen 

National contact-point for the recognition of professional qualifications

Target group:- Physicians and specialists from EU countries, EEA countries and Switzerland.

Each European country has a national contact point for the recognition of professional qualifications, which helps the citizens on all important issues related to recognition. The contact points themselves do not carry out any recognition procedures. German contact point is the internal market department of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (Binnenmarktreferat des Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Technologie). It recommends that applicants first go to those responsible for carrying out the recognition procedure
in Germany, which is listed under, and only then to come to the national contact point with open questions.

Contact:- Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Technologie,

(If you require any information about recognition of foreign medical qualifications in Germany, I do not recommend to contact them.) 

Internet portal:

Target group :- Physicians and specialists from EU countries, EEA countries, Switzerland and third countries.

In addition to migrants, the information portal is also aimed at employment mediators, consultants, and companies, and provides explanations for the recognition procedures in Germany. This should help to find the right competent body for the job at the place of residence of the newcomers. In addition, the different forms of recognition and the conditions for an application are explained.


Servicestellen zur Erschließung ausländischer Qualifikationen 

Service centers for the development of foreign qualifications

Target group:- Physicians and specialists from EU countries, EEA countries, Switzerland and third countries.

To date, there are two service centers that provide immigrants with foreign qualifications with advice and assistance in the recognition process on the one hand and on the other hand networking and coordinating the responsible parts with the regional educational landscape (regionalen Bildungslandschaft). The service points appreciate the qualification people with a migration background and advise people with foreign qualifications on recognition options and any necessary qualification measures. This includes job-related language courses.

Contact in Saarland: Telephone: 0681/417 20-75, Mail: or Phone: 0681/416 20-237, Mail:,
Visitor address: TÜV NORD BILDUNG Saar GmbH, Schroten 1a, 66121 Saarbrücken.

Contact in telephone Munich: 089/233 40-428, Mail: or Telephone: 089/233 40-429, Mail:
Visitor address: Office for Housing and Migration, Intercultural Work and Migration, Service Center for the Development of Foreign Qualifications, Franziskanerstraße 8, 81669 München.


Migrationsberatung für Erwachsene Zuwanderer (MBE) 

Migration Advice for Adult Immigrants (MBE)

Target group:- Physicians and specialists from EU countries, EEA countries, Switzerland and third countries.

In more than 600 counseling centers, full-time migration advisors determine the individual support requirements of immigrant immigrants, develop with you realistic further plans and agree on binding integration measures. Counseling on occupational integration also includes questions about the prerequisites for starting a career on. With regard to the aspect “Recognition of foreign educational and professional qualifications” (Anerkennung ausländischer Bildungs- und Berufsab- schlüsse), the advisors provide information as far as possible, point out further sources of information and convey it to the responsible authorities.

The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) (Das Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge -BAMF) is responsible for the implementation of migration advice and has a search function available on the website to find the nearest migration advisory center.


 Jugendmigrationsdienste (JMD) 

Youth Migration Services (JMD)

Target group:- Doctors and specialists from EU countries, EEA countries, Switzerland and third countries up to the age of 27 years.

The youth migration services (Jugendmigrationsdienste) provide advice to young people with a migrant background – both newcomers and those who have been living in Germany for some time. Among other things, the advisers recommend meaningful and tailor-made offers for vocational integration and, if necessary, provide further information on other services and offers. JMD is funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend – BMFSFJ).

Contacts to all counseling centers can be found at


VIA Institute 

Target group:- Physicians and specialists from EU countries, EEA countries, Switzerland and third countries

In addition to qualifications, the institute offers comprehensive personal advice and guidance on the way to the German workplace -, especially for health professionals. The VIA Institute is well networked and has established contacts with public authorities, employers and educational institutions throughout Germany, which are used in advising and integrating the labor market of its clients.

VIA Institute for Education and Work e. K.,
Ludwig-Feuerbach-Straße 69, 90489 Nuremberg, Telephone: 0911/59 70 20,


 Netzwerk „Integration durch Qualifizierung“ 

Netzwerk „Integration durch Qualifizierung“: Projekte mit Beratungs- und Informationsangeboten zur beruflichen Anerkennung

Network “Integration through Qualification”: Projects with advice and information on professional recognition

Target group :- Physicians and specialists from EU countries, EEA countries, Switzerland and third countries

Offers in Augsburg:-
Global Competences at “Tür an Tür – Integrationsprojekte gGmbH (door to door – integration projects gGmbH)” advises migrants, employment agencies and companies on questions of professional recognition in Germany.

Telephone: 0821/455 10 90, Mail:, consultation times Monday to Thursday from 10:00 to 12:00 and on Tuesdays (additionally) from 14:00 to 16:00.
Further information as well as the study of Brain Waste. The recognition of foreign qualifications in Germany (Anerkennung von ausländischen Qualifikationen in Deutschland)at


Offers in Berlin:-

KUMULUS-PLUS at Club Dialog – The Berlin project offers vocational counseling in Russian and German, which includes the development of individual strategies for work or training and an appropriate mediation. Seminars and workshops provide information on occupations and qualifications relevant to the labor market, the situation in the labor market and the recognition of professional and university qualifications.

Contact:- Integration College in the Club Dialog e. V., Lindower Straße 18, stairway 2,
1st floor on the left, 13347 Berlin.
Contact person at Berlin Wedding:-Marina Bondarev, Phone: 030/26 34 76 05, Mail:; Contact person in Berlin Marzahn: Julia Merian, Telephone: 030/93 49 23 31 or Mail:;

KUMULUS-PLUS for Respekte – The Project provides in Berlin-specific vocational and educational advice in German, Russian, Ukrainian, English, and Persian.

Telephone: 030/29 03 11 25, Mail:, KUMULUS-PLUS at the Turkish Confederation in Berlin-Brandenburg (Türkischen Bund in Berlin-Branden- burg – TBB). The Inter Kulturelle Berufsberatung (IKB) of the TBB in Berlin offers advice, orientation, and support in applications in German and Turkish. The project informs
also assesses the usability and recognition of educational qualifications, as well as training, retraining, and employment.
It provides qualification, education and job offers.
Telephone: 030/23 62 33 25, Mail: or Telephone: 030/23 62 33 27, Mail:,

Offers in Mannheim:-
Further education and recognition counseling at the Intercultural Education Center Mannheim as part of the transfer project Baden-Württemberg. We offer individual advice on career orientation and development of perspectives and assistance in the recognition of foreign school and professional qualifications.

Contact: Hüseyin Ertunc, Phone: 0621/156 73 73,
Mail:, /


Offer in Rostock and surroundings:-

KUMULUS-PLUS at migra – The project offers professional advice for immigrants. The services include assistance with the application for the recognition of a foreign professional qualification, career planning, the design of an application and the contact with employers.
Telephone: 0381/44431160, Mail:,

Offer in Schleswig-Holstein:-
access – the agency for the promotion of educational and occupational access for refugees and migrants sponsored by the Refugee Council Schleswig-Holstein is a transfer project of the competence center NOBI. One of the aims of the project is to improve access to advise and information in Schleswig-Holstein for migrants. The multi-lingual Internet platform ( with extensive technical information or the multilingual “Guideline for the Recognition of Foreign School and Vocational Qualifications in Schleswig-Holstein” serve this purpose, for example.
Phone: 0431/20 50 95 24, Mail:,

Otto-Benecke-Stiftung (OBS)

Otto Benecke Foundation (OBS)
Target group:- Physicians and specialists from EU countries, EEA countries, Switzerland and third countries.
The Otto-Benecke-Stiftung – offers study supplements and educational offers for immigrant academics as part of its program AQUA Migration. Essentially these courses are orientational, (professional) linguistic or profession-specific, to support an integration in the labor market in the learned profession. In connection with counseling, it is worth mentioning the “Practice-related Study and Vocational Orientation (Praxisbezogene Studien- und Berufsorientierung)“, which is intended to help immigrants orientate themselves in the German labor market and to find opportunities to enter the desired occupation. The measure consists of a three-month internship and courses that take place in Bonn.


Contact the AQUA hotline at 0228/81 63-600, which is open daily from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm (9:00 am to 1:00 pm); Alternatively, questions can be addressed by email to More information on the Internet at, section “AQUA”.

 Anerkennungsberatung der Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA)

Recognition Advice from the Federal Employment Agency (BA)
Target group:- Physicians and specialists from EU countries, EEA countries, Switzerland and third countries.

Since 2009, the Central Foreign and Specialized Placement Service (Die Zentrale Auslands- und Fachvermittlung – ZAV) of the Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit – BA) has been providing nationwide advice to specialists with foreign studies and qualifications in recognition questions (“Recognition Advice / Anerkennungsberatung). The offer includes advice on the need for recognition procedures and the usability of foreign educational qualifications for the German labor market as well as assistance with recognition issues.

Telephone: 0228/713-13 13, E-Mail: zav-auslandsvermittlung@arbeits- The info center gives the customer a personal contact or contact person for questions of recognition at initial contact.


Target group :- Physicians and specialists from EU countries, EEA countries and Switzerland.

The role of the EURES Advisers is to provide information, provide advice, and to coordinate job offers and employment applications of EU nationals, which are free to move in the European Union. In Germany, there are 124 EURES advisers, most of whom are employed by the public employment services.

The nearest EURES Adviser or the nearest EURES Adviser and further information can be found at:


— taken and translated from ”Beratung zur Anerkennung; ”Anerkennung und Berufszugang für Ärzte und Fachärzte mit ausländischen Qualifikationen in Deutschland” by Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge (BAMF)

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Tejas Ghetia

Tejas Ghetia is a doctor by trade and a writer by heart. An introvert atheist. Having virtues of silence and observance. Enjoying each day with his full consciousness. Befriended with books and movies.Liberating himself with his adventures of literary and philosophical type! Captivated by Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Osho, Kahlil Gibran, Richard Dawkins, Kafka, JKR etc.

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