Your2ndHeart Blog


Facharztweiterbildung :- Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie

Das Gebiet Psychiatrie und Psychotherapieumfasst…. die Vorbeugung, Erkennung und somatotherapeutische, psychotherapeutische sowie sozial-psychiatrische Behandlung Rehabilitation von psychischen Erkrankungen und psychischen Störungen im Zusammenhang mit körperlichen Erkrankungen toxischen Schädigungen unter Berücksichtigung ihrer psychosozialen Anteile, psychosomatischen Bezüge und forensischen Aspekte Facharzt/Fachärztin für...


Medical Post-graduation (Specialist recognition) recognition in Germany

Specialist recognition for foreign medical postgraduates – competent authorities (In this post word ‘specialist’ – is used for the postgraduates of different medical fields, who have already completed their specialization training. Weiterbildung/Further education – means an education process to become a postgraduate from...


Official contacts to get advice on recognition of foreign medical qualifications in Germany

Advice on recognition of foreign medical qualifications in Germany There are many places that have the topic of “professional recognition of foreign qualifications” in their portfolio of counseling services, to show recognition and support to foreigners. Listed below are the most...


Education to become a specialist in Germany (Weiterbildung zur Fachärztin / zum Facharzt)

Doctors can continue their education to become a  specialist in Germany after completing undergraduate Studies. For this purpose, they work as assistant doctors (Assistenzärztin/-Arzt) in a university clinic or in an approved medical care facility (includes the clinics of practicing...


Doctor training (MBBS / medical under-graduation) in Germany

The study of human medicine is uniformly regulated throughout Germany by the Approbation (licensing) regulations for physicians – abbreviated ÄAppO (Approbationsordnung für Ärztinnen und Ärzte). The universities in Germany, which carry out a medical study, have created on this basis...


The immigration of physicians from other nations to Germany

In 2007, a regular study by the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians and the German Medical Association on the Development of the German Health Care System (ERK) already described a lack of doctors in the Federal Republic of...


Defizitbescheid nach § 17a Aufenthaltsgesetz (AufenthG)

I am searching about Defizitbescheid for a few weeks because of one friend who got stuck in the visa process in India. I received few documents from Landesamt für Gesundheit und Soziales Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. I am uploading them below. Antrag-Approbation-und-BE-Drittland Aufstellung-der-Antragsunterlagen...


Your2ndHeart WhatsApp groups

These groups are closed!     I am creating Your2ndHeart WhatsApp groups for people who are learning German. You can join the group, according to the German level you are learning now. Let’s connect and communicate Language. Make it easier...


Munich, Germany